The successful initiative would be to focus on a degree of R&D-wide buy-in first. But it doesn’t stop there, you need to make it a team sport to make change happen. By encouraging cross-functional collaboration, data strategies and data sharing platforms, not only do you encourage company-wide thinking about digital transformation, but also reinforce the support for the idea that- digitalization is a priority.
Next step is to create a team and a team champion who will drive the digital transformation wagon effectively. The champion could be an in-house expert or an external consultant. I shall elaborate on this point in Part 8 of this series, where I shall discuss on- How to transform existing R&D set up to a digitalized R&D.
Another important criterion to define at the outset are- metrics of measuring success with digital transformation. Identify how you will measure success and use those metrics to build a success story of sustainable digital investment. Further, build a communication plan and communicate those objectives to all stake holders. Be meticulous in tracking both leading indicators and the actual impact delivered.
Remember! Via a journey with a right digital vision, strategy, roadmap, persistent leadership support, effective change management and a culture of continuous improvement, an organization can fast realize as well as sustain the benefits of digitalization.
In the next part of this blogpost series, I shall highlight- Advantages of digitalization in pharmaceutical and medical device R&Ds.
Meanwhile, note that there are fifteen different Continuous Improvement pathways for pharmaceutical and medical device R&Ds. Are you planning a Continuous Improvement initiative for your R&D division?
Upcoming blogposts in this series-
Part 5: Digitalization in various aspects of drug research and development.
Part 6: Selecting the right R&D digitalization platform.
Part 7: Six building blocks for digital transformation in pharmaceutical and medical devices R&D.
Part 8: How to transform existing R&D set up to a digitalized R&D.
Part 9: Tips and Quick wins of digitalization in pharmaceutical and medical device R&D.
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#businessprocessimprovement #continuousimprovement #digitalization #digitization #digitaltransformation #digitaltransformationinR&D #digitalizationinR&D #continuousimprovementinR&D