This type of process of improvement not only increases value for customers but also reduces waste.
It aims to boost customer value by using fewer means while improving the satisfaction of customers. It is a methodical method to gaining further insight into the processes of business as well as better handling of the various processes. Streamlined process improvement lowers costs, provides higher quality products (or services) and increases distribution efficiency leading to improved sales.
A proven DIY (Do -it- yourself) technique to starting streamlined process improvement within your organization is to gain insight from members of the organization by finding out their ideas on ways in which workflow can be improved. The best way to develop a well-rounded opinion is to find out as much information as possible from a variety of staff including managers and employees.
Second step in streamlined process improvement- the organization needs to focus on one particular work process. The work process is defined as a fixed, recurring method that has clear stages from the beginning to the end. An example of a work process to focus on is delivering payroll. The work process must then be broken down into as many distinct stages as possible. It is beneficial to have refined stages. Employees can provide valuable insight into various stages that managers may not be aware of.
It is vital to gather information from those involved in the workflow process by asking for their thoughts regarding productivity improvement. The aim of this is to find out ways to improve the efficiency of entire workflow and not simply the efficiency of the staff.
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