As a business transformation expert, a question I always ask is- Do organizations need to lay off their employees in order to automate, sustain or be profitable? Certainly not! Provided companies take a holistic view of their business scenario and scientifically treat the problem.
I’m a 100 % supporter of hire- fire policy in case of proven integrity violations, unethical practices or consistent poor performance by employees. But, laying off employees just because the business runners can’t generate profits is a completely unacceptable thought to me and certainly not fair, if I’m allowed to say so. Now, with this statement, I’m aware, I shall be open to criticism, but then, if one speaks up her thoughts, it certainly paves a way for a healthy dialogue, isn’t it?
Here are my views-
I’m sure you agree that management principles of yesteryears are no longer efficient today. Customers today no longer take a microscopic view of your organization. There was once a time when you could build a good reputation by providing great products only.
Today, however, customers view a potential supplier as a total entity. They expect every interface to be a pleasant experience. They expect the salesperson approachable and knowledgeable, the sales office inviting, clean and pleasant, the invoices readable and accurate, the package attractive and easy to open, the service people responsive and competent, the phones answered quickly and not to be put on hold !
In short a surprisingly good customer experience is created only when every interface you have with your customer is orchestrated in a superior way. And in order to do this, you need to stop thinking about the organizational structure and start focussing on the business processes that control these customer interfaces. This requires a paradigm shift in focus and a major change in the way an organization is managed.