It is not easy to create change in the workplace and 5S is known to cause large changes to occur. People get used to their way of things and routines, which can be difficult to change, especially if there is resistance to doing so. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce and implement 5S in increments, or at a slow pace, in order to allow people to get used to the idea of doing things in a different way. It is best to allow them to incorporate aspects of 5S into their daily habits without completely disrupting their norm in one go.
Another way that this limitation can be overcome is to introduce 5S methodology’s concept during meetings and seeing their reaction. If the employees are interested in making the change, it will be that much easier to keep it going and to receive the necessary support.
5S methodology is also largely customizable and each company needs to find how it will benefit them in the best way. Therefore, it is not ideal to use a pre-existing 5S plan from another company in hopes that it will reap the same results. Generally speaking 5S gets rid of unnecessary things in the workplace, but the framework that is used must be altered to suit each unique situation. Some workplaces may find that frequently used materials need to be brought closer to their areas, whereas others may need to clean out and reorganize their primary work space.
5S has difficulty in excelling if it is not backed with moral support of the management and employees alike, regardless of the type of organization or industry vertical. Management is required to monitor, evaluate and provide an example as to how 5S should work, as well as provide adequate staff and financial support. Some organizations implement methodologies such as 5S and expect it to turn things around on its own. But this is not accurate, they are needed to be carefully implemented and monitored, even after success has been reached. It is also necessary to know exactly how 5S can benefit the company and not give it more expectations than it can fulfill.
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