If you want some new ideas to improve your business, improve quality, productivity, save cost and need to get your team involved, then this concise self-help, business management book is for you. Kaizen principles have been viewed as one of the key factors to achieving competitiveness. Kaizen helps to initiate as well as empower process- oriented thinking in teams and organizations. It is people- oriented in its approach and is directed towards maximizing people/process efficiency, ultimately leading to business growth. This book simplifies Kaizen continuous improvement methodology and presents practical ways to build and improve business processes. |
More about the book:
This book is for Agile entrepreneurs, Leaders, QA (Quality Assurance) managers, Management consultants, Production supervisors, Manufacturing heads, CEOs, Directors and all Managers involved in decision-making, directing their organization’s sustainability, profitability, and expansion.
This book is for professionals who are interested in making a career change and wish to embrace business process management (bpm), business analyst or process improvement expert role.
Lastly, but not the least, this book is for all business leaders who wish to apply business improvement methodologies to their work place in most beneficial and practical ways.
About the author:
Shruti Bhat PhD MBA Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Over the past eighteen years, Shruti has successfully led over 450 Continuous Improvement projects in big & small organizations world wide. She specializes in business transformation of sick units. Shruti has proficiency in Continuous Improvement for Innovation, Research & Development, Human Resources (HR), Manufacturing, Quality, Intellectual Property, Sales and Service functions; see case studies on Shruti's blog www.DrShrutiBhat.com Shruti has helped build enterprise teams and coached more than 12000 employees worldwide.