Here are details of third course of the series...
Kaizen Champion Certification
Kaizen Champion Certification Online Course is for Professionals at all levels of Management.
- Learn how to select Kaizen projects, strategize, design and implement Kaizen continuous improvement campaigns.
- Lean how to drive Kaizen projects successfully, create profits, reduce defects- overheads- errors, increase productivity- sales-market share- customer satisfaction. Take your company and career to the next level!
- Learn in-depth about 9 types of Kaizen viz. Gemba Kaizen, Lean Kaizen, Modular Kaizen, Blitz Kaizen, Flow Kaizen, Process Kaizen, Personal Kaizen, Daily Kaizen, Agile Kaizen and how each Kaizen type can help you achieve success with your Kaizen initiatives.
- The course has 6 Modules of self-paced study, training videos and instructor support, a Toolkit comprising 52 tools and 5 Case Studies that help you apply Kaizen to your organization.
- The course includes videos showing real-time application of Kaizen in 5 reputed companies in US and Japan.
Participants must complete Tests and Assignments associated with each Module. All tests and assignments are open book exams. Kaizen Champion Certificate shall be sent to participants once they complete all tests and assignments successfully.
After successful completion of the course, participants gain the vision, knowledge and capacity to drive Kaizen implementation in their organization.
#Kaizen #KaizenChampion #KaizenCertification