There are many advantages to choosing to use 5S in the workplace. One of the most important aspects of 5S is to get rid of items that are unnecessary, such as materials, supplies and tools that are unused. This allows for greater efficiency by making it easier to find necessary items. It also encourages labeling, placing and organizing frequently
used materials, tools and supplies in order to make them more accessible. In combination, these techniques allow time to be spent in a more productive manner and results in less wasted time.
Another reason that organization helps a company is that the frequently used items are placed in locations that are within one’s general area. This allows for employees to have more energy and also contributes to the overall safety of a workplace.
Getting rid of unnecessary materials, equipment and tools as well as keeping areas clutter-free contributes to a lot more space. Space ends up costing money to a company and can be used in more beneficial ways once it is cleared. Whether it is cost of heating, cooling, rental, cleaning or maintaining the area, when there is less junk there is less money spent on maintenance and upkeep of the space.
Another benefit of having a clutter-free and clean area is that it is easier to detect when something is wrong, such as failures or defects. This makes it easier to prevent problems from occurring, or to take care of them before they become even more problematic. A good example of this is a printer that is leaking. If there is a lot of clutter, it can be hard to notice that the ink is spilling or dripping, however if the area is cleared, the leak can easily be notice and fixed.
Safety is a big issue that 5S addresses, by allowing clutter-free spaces to be monitored with ease. Having the necessary materials and tools saves time and improves efficiency, whilst lowering the risks of injury related to searching for these materials. Through standardization, practices that are deemed unsafe are not used. Employees have the ability to notice errors and to make necessary changes.
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