- Particle size analysis: Studied using Sieve analysis and microscopy.
- Yield: the percentage of desired fraction 22/30 mesh fraction of pellets was calculated.
- Bulk density: the bulk density was measured at 650 strokes / 15 mins.
- True density: the true density of pellets was determined by volume –displacement method in a pycnometer using n-hexane.
- Porosity: porosity was calculated as = bulk volume – True volume / Bulk volume
- % Index of hardness- friability (%IHF): Pellet hardness was calculated on the basis of the friability test. For this purpose 100 g of pellets (from 22/30 mesh fraction) were placed in a friabilator and rotated for 10 minutes at 250 revolutions. The pellets were then screened to remove the fines. The % index of hardness was calculated as % Index of hardness- friability = residue (g) x 100 / Weight of the sample
- Angle of repose (Φ): The angle of repose was determined by the “fixed height method” ad was calculated using the following formulation:
The results are recorded and Yates method was employed to calculate the significance of parameters and their interaction.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of this article has been omitted to maintain confidentiality of experimental work. Interested readers are requested to contact me.